Paul Cantwell is a news writer from Singapore. He works for and has contributed thousands of content covering wide variety of topics
Health Skin Care

Should You Use Baking Soda As An Acne Treatment

Baking soda is a popular DIY acne remedy. Almost everyone has a box of baking soda lying around in their house somewhere: It’s cheap, plentiful, and it’s great for cleaning things around your house. But while it’s true that baking soda may help shrivel up some of those pimples, you may be doing more harm […]

Health Skin Care

Foods To Prevent Acne The Pimple Reducing Diet Plan

The first thing to remember when you are seeking out foods to prevent acne, is that particular foods do not have superpowers. The healthiest foods are good for us, not because they target disease and conquer it, but because they provide the building blocks that the body needs to produce and let loose its own […]

Accessories Home Improvement

Propane Generators For Home

What you Need to Know about Propane Generators for Home If you are using propane to generate electricity and heat in your home, you may be curious about propane generators for home and exactly how they may be used to make your residence more comfortable and functional. Propane is a popular heating choice these days, […]

Health Skin Care

Chemical Peels For Acne Treatment

Two of the most commonly used chemical peels for acne treatment produced similar results in a small clinical study, but one led to more durable improvement and caused fewer side effects than the other. Both salicylic acid and glycolic acid produced similar statistically significant (P<0.05) improvement after two treatments, Dee Anna Glaser, M.D., of St. […]